Beckmann, GregorGregorBeckmannKrause, DieterDieterKrause2020-04-272020-04-272013ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 4 (2013). - Seite 169-178 methods for modular product families have shown their usefulness in case studies, but are only seldom applied in practice. To support the active transfer of methods from research into practice an understanding of the working principles of methods is needed. In this contribution, a newly developed process visualisation approach is presented that allows design researchers to visualise and analyse existing methods to create this understanding. A special emphasis of the visualisation task is set to the analysis of interfaces that are used to include information and knowledge from different company stakeholders into method based development processes and back into the business. A visualisation nomination is presented that gives an easy and intuitive way of understanding this interaction. The approach is exemplary applied to the method "Integrated PKT-Approach for the Development of Modular Product Families". Finally an outlook on the possible use of the presented visualisation approach to foster methods transfer to practice is given. © 2013 The Design Society, unless otherwise stated.enDesign methodsMethod integrationProcess modellingProcess visualisationProduct familiesWirtschaftIngenieurwissenschaftenProcess visualisation of product family development methodsConference PaperOther