Malone, KarenKarenMaloneSeemann, RalfRalfSeemannKrause, DieterDieterKrause2020-08-202020-08-202013Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 187-196 to the shortage of fossil fuels and the contemporaneous growth of the worldwide energy consumption, exploration of the deep-sea and deep-sea mining moved further into the focus. Because of the high financial and technical expenses of field experiments, the realization of complex test setups under artificial deep-sea conditions in a laboratory environment becomes more and more relevant. While test rigs with a large application range are widely established in many research areas, there are very few facilities that provide a test environment for experiments under deep-sea conditions. To satisfy the need for a flexible and adaptable test rig, a modular configuration of the rig is suggested. Based on the state of the arts of high-pressure test facilities and a case study, a first concept for such a modular structure of a high-pressure lab environment is presented.deIndustrielle FertigungRealisierung komplexer Versuchsaufbauten in Hochdrucktestumgebungen [Realization of complex test setups in high-pressure test environments]Conference Paper10.15480/882.1133Other