Vinci, GaborGaborVinciBarbon, FrancescoFrancescoBarbonLaemmle, BenjaminBenjaminLaemmleWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelKölpin, AlexanderAlexanderKölpin2020-07-152020-07-152012-03German Microwave Conference, GeMiC: 6185176 (2012-03) (DOA) detection is a challenge and a demanding task for several applications among industrial sensors and automotive radar where high accuracy, robustness, and low cost are important requirements. The six-port receiver based DOA detector has opened a whole new set of possibilities and implementations due to its accurate phase measurement properties. The DOA detection angle ambiguity issue of the six-port receiver caused by phase measurement periodicity is hereby adressed. A new high resolution dual six-port based detector is presented featuring among the advantages provided by the interferometric principle also an ambiguity-free wide detection range.enAngle-of-arrivalAutomotive RadarCalibrationInterferometerPhase MeasurementSix-PortWide-range, dual six-port based Direction-Of-Arrival detectorConference PaperOther