Schießl, JonasJonasSchießlOu, RuchuanRuchuanOuFaulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasserBaumann, Michael HeinrichMichael HeinrichBaumannGrüne, LarsLarsGrüne2024-04-082024-04-082023-1262nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)9798350301243 investigate pathwise turnpike behavior of discrete-time stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problems. Our analysis is based on a novel strict dissipativity notion for such problems, in which a stationary stochastic process replaces the optimal steady state of the deterministic setting. The analytical findings are illustrated by a numerical example.enMathematicsEngineering and Applied OperationsPathwise Turnpike and Dissipativity Results for Discrete-Time Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control ProblemsConference Paper10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384081Conference Paper