Schwede, Lea-NadineLea-NadineSchwedeGreve, ErikErikGreveKrause, DieterDieterKrause2021-01-202021-01-202020-06-11Design Society: DESIGN Conference (1): 2395-2404 (2020) order to meet an increasing internal variety, a solution can be the modularization of products. To motivate modularization projects throughout all phases of life, different effects of modular product families were collected in previous works on a literature basis. In this paper, a validation concept is presented, which will investigate these effects by using statements directly from industry representatives. In particular, the industry background is included in the evaluation to generate a more differentiated overall picture of impacts of modular product families.en2633-7762Proceedings of the Design Society : DESIGN Conference202023952404Cambridge University Press Concept for the Investigation of Effects of Modular Product FamiliesConference Paper10.15480/882.349310.1017/dsd.2020.11410.15480/882.3493Other