Hong, ChenChenHongGu, DongdongDongdongGuDai, DonghuaiDonghuaiDaiCao, SainanSainanCaoAlkhayat, MoritzMoritzAlkhayatJia, QingboQingboJiaGasser, AndresAndresGasserWeisheit, AndreasAndreasWeisheitKelbassa, IngomarIngomarKelbassaZhong, MinlinMinlinZhongPoprawe, ReinhartReinhartPoprawe2022-04-262022-04-262014-12-09Journal of Laser Applications 27 (S1): S17005 (2015-02-01)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12381The laser metal deposition (LMD) additive manufacturing process was applied to produce TiC/Inconel 625 composite parts. The high-temperature oxidation performance of the LMD-processed parts and the underlying physical/chemical mechanisms were systematically studied. The incorporation of the TiC reinforcement in the Inconel 625 improved the oxidation resistance of the LMD-processed parts, and the improvement function became more significant with increasing the TiC addition from 2.5-wt. % to 5.0-wt. %. The mass gain after 100-h oxidation at 800-°C decreased from 1.4130-mg/cm2 for the LMD-processed Inconel 625 to 0.3233-mg/cm2 for the LMD-processed Inconel 625/5.0-wt. % TiC composites. The oxidized surface of the LMD-processed Inconel 625 parts was mainly consisted of Cr2O3. For the LMD-processed TiC/Inconel 625 composites, the oxidized surface was composed of Cr2O3 and TiO2. The incorporation of the TiC reinforcing particles favored the inherent grain refinement in the LMD-processed composites and, therefore, the composite parts possessed the sound surface integrity after oxidation compared with the Inconel 625 parts under the same oxidation conditions. The LMD-processed TiC/Inconel 625 composites exhibited the excellent oxidation resistance under the oxidation temperature of 800-°C. A further increase in the oxidation temperature to 1000-°C caused the severe oxidation attack on the composites, due to the unfavorable further oxidation of Cr2O3 to CrO3 at the elevated treatment temperatures.en1938-1387Journal of laser applications2014S1Laser Inst. of Americaadditive manufacturinglaser metal deposition (LMD)metal matrix compositesoxidationTechnikHigh-temperature oxidation performance and its mechanism of TiC/Inconel 625 composites prepared by laser metal deposition additive manufacturingJournal Article10.2351/1.4898647Other