Bohne, SvenSvenBohneLaha, SibashishSibashishLahaTrieu, Hoc KhiemHoc KhiemTrieu2024-03-122024-03-122023-10-23Tagungsband MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23. - 25. Oktober 2023. - Berlin, 2023.978-3-8007-6203-3978-3-8007-6204-0 passive micro check valves are presented. For many fluidic applications such as complex micro-reactors and labon-chip systems, it is advantageous if an unwanted reversal flow can be prevented without additional energy and control effort. The process flow including design, manufacturing and testing is shown. The new passive micro check valves, as well as the micro-fluidic systems to be protected, are manufactured using the in volume selective laser-induced etching (ISLE) process. The new check valves are designed to allow a beneficial integration into the manufacturing process of 3D glass micro-fluidic systems.enTechnologyPhysicsElectrical Engineering, Electronic EngineeringPassive micro check valves in glass manufactured by selective laser etchingConference PaperConference Paper