Sturz, Yvonne R.Yvonne R.SturzEichler, AnnikaAnnikaEichlerSmith, Roy S.Roy S.Smith2024-01-042024-01-042021-11-01IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (11): 5112-51271 (2021-11-01) article presents scalable controller synthesis methods for heterogeneous and partially heterogeneous systems. First, heterogeneous systems composed of different subsystems that are interconnected over a directed graph are considered. Techniques from robust and gain-scheduled controller synthesis are employed, in particular, the full-block S-procedure, to deal with the decentralized system part in a nominal condition and with the interconnection part in a multiplier condition. Under some structural assumptions, we can decompose the synthesis conditions into conditions that are the size of the individual subsystems. To solve these decomposed synthesis conditions that are coupled only over neighboring subsystems, we propose a distributed method based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. It only requires nearest-neighbor communication and no central coordination is needed. Then, a new classification of systems is introduced that consists of groups of homogeneous subsystems with different interconnection types. This classification includes heterogeneous systems as the most general and homogeneous systems as the most specific case. Based on this classification, we show how the interconnected system model and the decomposed synthesis conditions can be formulated in a more compact way. The computational scalability of the presented methods with respect to a growing number of subsystems and interconnections is analyzed, and the results are demonstrated in numerical examples.en1558-2523IEEE transactions on automatic control20211151125127Distributed controlheterogeneous interconnected systemslarge-scale systemsDistributed control design for heterogeneous interconnected systemsJournal Article10.1109/TAC.2020.3034202Journal Article