Pagonas, A.A.PagonasRadtke, LarsLarsRadtkeTorre, M.M.TorreHughes, T. J. R.T. J. R.HughesDüster, A.A.DüsterSangalli, G.G.SangalliReali, AlessandroAlessandroReali2025-01-072025-01-072024-01-01International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2024[9789082893175] critical time-step ensuring stability in hyperbolic problems with explicit time integration is governed by the maximum discrete eigenfrequency. Based on our previous research involving a bar model problem, this study extends the investigation to a Bernoulli-Euler beam. We employ B-spline based isogeometric analysis, considering consistent and lumped mass matrices, in both the boundary-fitted and immersed setting (considering different situations of cut elements, including the case of small cuts). Our findings for the beam are generally consistent with those for the bar, indicating that mass lumping enhances stability and efficiency, but we expect that, as already observed for the bar, this affects accuracy, deteriorating it with respect to the consistent setting. This analysis highlights the need for further research towards a better balance between efficiency and accuracy.enImmersed IGA and mass lumping for explicit dynamics of 1D structural elementsConference PaperConference Paper