2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/29485SABINE SCHLICKERS (1964) published monographs about filmic adaptations (Verfilmtes Erzählen…, 1997), the naturalist novel in Latinamerica (El lado oscuro de la modernización... , 2003), the gaucho literature of Argentina, Uruguay and Brasil (“Que yo también soy pueta”... , 2007), the appropiation of the Conquest of America in cronicles, literature and film (La conquista imaginaria…, 2015) and about a new narratological concept called perturbatory narration (La narración perturbadora: un nuevo concepto narratológico transmedial, 2017). She is co-editor of volumes about the picaresque novel, autofiction, the Reinvention of Latinamerica, Aesthetics of autenticity and Perturbary Narration in film.Schlickers, Sabine