Meyer, MatthiasMatthiasMeyerSpitzner, JanJanSpitzner2025-01-062025-01-062024-02-22in: The Oxford Handbook of Agent-based Computational Management Science (2024-02-22)97801976681229780197668153 chapter discusses the challenges and opportunities of communicating agent-based models (ABMs) in management research and managerial practice. The simulation modelling cycle structures our discussion. Hence, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of all steps of a simulation project. Following a brief description of each step, the typical communication tasks arising from the respective step’s activities are presented. The chapter distinguishes between three different generic communication purposes in simulation projects—documenting, explaining, and creating agreement—and discusses how they can be served in the respective step. References to the authors’ experiences in science and management consulting illustrate shared challenges and ways to manage them, including the use of approaches such as the overview description details protocol or the design of experiments principles. Ultimately, these efforts lead to the creation of a communication checklist that facilitates the effective communication of ABMs, specifying essential communication tasks and critical issues along the modelling cycle.enCommunicating Agent-Based Models in Management Research and Managerial PracticeBook part10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197668122.013.22Other