Bück, AndreasAndreasBückNeugebauer, ChristophChristophNeugebauerMeyer, KatjaKatjaMeyerPalis, StefanStefanPalisDiez, EugenEugenDiezKienle, AchimAchimKienleHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrichTsotsas, EvangelosEvangelosTsotsas2020-03-312020-03-312016-04-02Powder Technology (300): 37-45 (2016-10-01)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/5564Several studies—theoretical and experimental—show that continuous fluidised bed layering granulation with external classification can show instability in the form of self-sustained oscillations. Recent results show that the process stability does not only depend on product-related process parameters but also on the formation of functional zones in the fluidised bed chamber, especially the formation of a spray and drying zone. In this work a systematic evaluation of zone formation in different apparatus designs (e.g., top- and bottom-spray in cylindrical apparatuses) and its influence on process stability is performed, resulting in a stability regime map for the different apparatus designs and key operation parameters.en0032-5910Powder technology20163745Elsevier ScienceBifurcation analysisExternal classificationFluidised bedLayeringProcess stabilityTechnikInfluence of operation parameters on process stability in continuous fluidised bed layering with external product classificationJournal Article10.1016/j.powtec.2016.03.019Other