Emmelmann, ClausClausEmmelmann11673577440009-0008-4698-2077Bartsch, KatharinaKatharinaBartsch2023-08-012023-08-012023Springer Nature Switzerland AG 978-3-031-22955-8: (2023)978-3-031-22955-8https://hdl.handle.net/11420/42430Additive manufacturing is considered a key technology to address various global megatrends such as individualization of products, increase of product efficiency to combat climate change and scarcity of resources, as well as the digital transformation. However, there are several barriers to the progression of additive manufacturing for end-use products. Aside from technical maturity, the high investment, associated cost, and time to build the required experience hinder the adoption of additive manufacturing. With regard to laser powder bed fusion of metals, the support structures are a key factor related to all these issues. Hence, this thesis deals with the digitalization of support structure design to contribute to an increase in additive manufacturing adoption.enTechnologyManufacturingDigitalization of design for support structures in laser powder bed fusion of metalsDoctoral Thesis10.1007/978-3-031-22956-5Kriegesmann, BenediktBenediktKriegesmannPhD Thesis