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Publication with files Mobile Robots on Sidewalks: Legal Context and Resulting Requirements for Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery in Germany(0024-06-02); ;Blunder, Noel Moritz; ; Sidewalks are increasingly being shared by autonomous mobile robots, creating a safety-sensitive environment that lacks explicit safety-focused standards. Establishing such standards is an essential prerequisite for progressing these vehicles from the laboratory to lager-scale, widespread use. This ongoing research presented here aims to fill this gap by exploring standards in related areas, assessing their applicability, and examining possible derived specifications adapted to mobile robots operating on sidewalks and similar traffic environments. As part of our methodology, we draw upon findings from the development of two delivery robot prototype vehicles and a literature review. By establishing a foundation for the design and assessment of future standard drafts, our research supports the broader adoption of mobile robots and contributes to safer urban sidewalks.Publicationtype: Conference Poster not in ProceedingsTORE-DOI: Publisher Version:Workshop on Bridging the Lab-to-Real Gap: Conversations with Academia, Industry, and Government ICRA 202310 10 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Die Technische Hochschule an der Niederelbe : Denkschrift des Magistrats der Stadt Altona(1928-07)Memorandum of the magistrate of the town Altona on the foundation of a technical universityPublicationtype: Working PaperTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.328Citation Publisher Version:Die Technische Hochschule an der Niederelbe : Denkschrift des Magistrats der Stadt Altona. 1928.2063 265 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files The Technical University on the Lower Elbe : Appendix to the Memorandum of the magistrate of the town Altona of July 1928(1929-04); The addendum to the memorandum of the magistrate of the city of Altona on the establishment of a technical university contains a statement on the public discussion of this memorandum. Chapter: * Reasons for publishing the addendum. * Ways to make the university operation and studies more healthy. * The real need: the university of the 20th century * Concluding RemarksPublicationtype: Working PaperTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.3291791 235 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Systematische Entwicklung von Schiffslinien(1953)Systematische Entwicklung von SchiffslinienPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5031419 1263 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Zur Berechnung ebener und drehsymmetrischer Grenzschichten mit kontinuierlicher Absaugung(1953)Zur Berechnung ebener und drehsymmetrischer Grenzschichten mit kontinuierlicher AbsaugungPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5041673 842 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Bericht über die Integrieranlage 'Integromat' des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik der Universität Hamburg(1953)Bericht über die Integrieranlage 'Integromat' des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik der Universität HamburgPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5051629 723 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Über strömungstechnische Grundlagen zur Bestimmung von Steuereigenschaften(1954)On Fluid-Mechanical Principles for the Determination of Steering PropertiesPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5091352 303 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Ein Wellentilger für Modell-Seegangsversuche(1954)Ein Wellentilger für Modell-SeegangsversuchePublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5141259 510 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Schleppversuche bei Queranströmung(1954)Schleppversuche bei QueranströmungPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5071303 362 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files On a simple method for calculating laminar boundary layers(1954)Simple method for calculating laminar boundary layersPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.7681462 782 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Stabilitätseinbußen im Seegang und durch Koksdeckslast(1954)Stabilitätseinbußen im Seegang und durch KoksdeckslastPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.639Citation Publisher Version:HANSA Schiffahrt Schiffbau Hafen1225 452 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Oszillographische Aufzeichnung von Wasserwellen(1954)Oszillographische Aufzeichnung von WasserwellenPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5171281 358 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Recent Progress in the Theoretical Studies on the Behavior of Ships in a Seeway(1954)Recent progress in the theoretical studies on the behavior of ships in a seewayPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5061201 392 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Erzeugung und Vernichtung von Wasserwellen(1954)Erzeugung und Vernichtung von WasserwellenPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.7671182 421 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Schiffsmodelle im Windkanal(1955)Schiffsmodelle im WindkanalPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.7731087 269 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Der Windkanal des Instituts für Schiffbau der Universität Hamburg(1955)Der Windkanal des Instituts für Schiffbau der Universität HamburgPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5131548 237 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Oszillographische Aufzeichnung von Frequenzschwankungen des Drehstromnetzes(1955)Oszillographische Aufzeichnung von Frequenzschwankungen des DrehstromnetzesPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.519904 263 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Über den Reibungswiderstand von Platten(1955); Über den Reibungswiderstand von PlattenPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.7691006 201 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Mechanik des Segelantriebes(1955)Mechanik des SegelantriebesPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5211354 828 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication with files Problems in Ship Theory(1955)Problems in Ship TheoryPublicationtype: Technical ReportTORE-DOI:10.15480/882.5181040 508