Projekt Titel
GRK 2583: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications
GRK 2583/1
April 1, 2020
September 30, 2024
Gepris ID
The RTG aims at the holistic education of junior scientists in the mathematical fields of Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization (MSO). The mathematical focus of the RTG is on mathematical modeling, adaptive discretization & approximation algorithms, mathematical data analysis, and shape optimization with PDEs. The RTG's research activities address challenging fluid dynamic problems, where they are inspired by Hamburgspecific applied sciences, such as climate research & meteorology, aerospace & marine engineering, or medicine. Our approach to next generation MSO is based on the leitmotif of the RTG: Mathematics drives applications while being inspired by applications. With this leitmotif the RTG carries forward and improves education and research in MSO by an inherent interdisciplinary approach, i.e., to stimulate fundamental education and research in MSOmathematics by highly complex applications and at the same time transfer tailored MSO-methods developed in mathematics to applied sciences. In this way, the RTG promotes an exchange of research paradigms between the participating disciplines and provides a modern approach to training in fundamental MSO-research for scientfically and socially relevant current problems. The RTG has a clear scientific focus with a well aligned educational profile. The leitmotif is implemented through nine thematically intertwined research topics, which combine aspects of MSOmathematics with an associated fluid dynamic application. Key technologies will jointly be developed and disseminated through lab-activities. Scientific exchange is facilitated and fostered through lecture series, research seminars, colloquia, annual retreats, and summer schools. The international networking of the RTG will benefit from a distinguished guest program involving a variety of world leading experts. The RTG will be hosted by the Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science. In particular, the RTG will be embedded in the well-established structures of the Lothar Collatz Graduate School. The academic platform of the RTG is enhanced by joining forces with established activities of the C3S and LCGS, e.g. the Lothar Collatz Seminar, and by contributing to the annual Plön Young Researcher Meeting & Workshop, and by the comprehensive course program of the Hamburg Research Academy (HRA, see Section. The educational program is based on long-standing collaborations of the involved researchers and institutions. The qualification concept is well connected to local and international educational programs that are jointly operated by the UHH and the TUHH. It reects shared experience on best practices and also supports our ambition for a rapid initial advancement as well as leadership skill promotion. Thus, the curriculum involves innovative training modules e.g. research management or entrepreneurship courses supplementary to the scientific education. With this approach the RTG is unique and will perform interdisciplinary research