Projekt Titel
SFB 986: Subproject MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
July 1, 2012
June 30, 2024
Gepris ID
Übergeordnetes Projekt
As an integrated part of the SFB 986, the integrated Research Training Group "MGK” (“Modul Graduiertenkolleg”) provides an organizational framework for doctoral studies within the SFB and offers additional training in technical skills and interdisciplinary competences for the Ph.D. candidates. The MGK aims to prepare the Ph.D. candidates more fully for their future occupations in academia and industry, and to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. Besides the Ph.D. candidates, for whom the participation in MGK events is mandatory, other interested members of the SFB 986 (Post-Docs or Master students) are welcome to join the MGK program.
At the Monthly Meetings, one SFB sub-project is presented each time. Frequently, additional elements such as seminars on management or organizational structure are integrated into the monthly meetings. Annual Summer Schools alternate in focusing on technical and non-technical topics. Occasionally, one-day workshops are held outside of the regular meetings. In December 2012, the MGK started with a Kick-Off Retreat.
At the Monthly Meetings, one SFB sub-project is presented each time. Frequently, additional elements such as seminars on management or organizational structure are integrated into the monthly meetings. Annual Summer Schools alternate in focusing on technical and non-technical topics. Occasionally, one-day workshops are held outside of the regular meetings. In December 2012, the MGK started with a Kick-Off Retreat.