Projekt Titel
MLE Summer School 2022
January 1, 2022
December 31, 2022
Award URL
On September, 13th and 14th, 2022 the first Summer School for Machine Learning in Engineering took place on the campus of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
The school was organized by the Machine Learning in Engineering (MLE) research initiative of TUHH in collaboration with the Helmholtz Center Hereon, the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DASHH, CDCS, ARIC, ahoi.digital, the Career Center of TUHH and the AI.Startup.Hub. With over 100 participating master students, PhD students and postdocs, the school met with an extremely positive response and was a complete success. The participants, mostly from the greater Hamburg area but also from all over Germany, were enthusiastic about the offer and the organization.
The two days offered participants a diverse program with insights into the world of machine learning (ML). The program was fully organized by members of the MLE Research Initiative.
The school was organized by the Machine Learning in Engineering (MLE) research initiative of TUHH in collaboration with the Helmholtz Center Hereon, the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DASHH, CDCS, ARIC, ahoi.digital, the Career Center of TUHH and the AI.Startup.Hub. With over 100 participating master students, PhD students and postdocs, the school met with an extremely positive response and was a complete success. The participants, mostly from the greater Hamburg area but also from all over Germany, were enthusiastic about the offer and the organization.
The two days offered participants a diverse program with insights into the world of machine learning (ML). The program was fully organized by members of the MLE Research Initiative.