Projekt Titel
Wear behavior of coatings for machining of TiAl6V4
DE 3961/2-1
Funding code
January 1, 2025
December 31, 2026
Gepris ID
Due to increasing scarcity of raw materials, the demand for near-net-shape finishing milling processes for additive manufactured components made of TiAl6V4 is growing. In order to achieve high economic efficiency, the focus is on increased cutting speed, which leads to high tool loads. An improvement in cutting performance can be obtained by the use of triboactive CrAlMoN hybrid coatings. Here, direct current magnetron sputtering is combined with high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (dcMS/HPPMS). Within the preceding project (project number 422345568), the oxidation and diffusion behavior as well as the application behavior of CrAlVN and CrAlMoN physical vapor deposition (PVD) coatings on carbide were investigated during the turning of the difficult-to-machine titanium alloy TiAl6V4. The formation of friction-reducing oxide phases in the area of the cutting edge was verified despite the use of cooling lubricant. With the CrAlMoN coating, a considerable improvement in cutting performance can be obtained, which for the first time exceeded that of the uncoated substrates used as state of the art. In addition, it is known from preliminary work that the HPPMS power component has a beneficial effect on shape contour accuracy as well as contributing to a denser morphology, smoother surface and higher coating hardness. However, still unknown is the impact of increasing the HPPMS power ratio on tool performance in the machining of TiAl6V4. Additionally, the cutting temperature in finishing milling processes of TiAl6V4 as well as the damage mechanisms have not been investigated yet. Main aim of the proposed transfer project is the transfer of knowledge gained in the preceding project to industrial fields of application for cutting titanium alloys. These include the coating production and the performance of triboactive CrAlMoN coatings on carbide tools, which have already been used in the finish turning of TiAl6V4 under laboratory conditions. For this purpose, a transfer of previous turning tests to the industrial application conditions as well as an application transfer from turning to milling is planned in cooperation with Premium AEROTEC GmbH. Furthermore, a transfer of the deposition process of the CrAlMoN coating to a coating unit with increased HPPMS ratio, the analysis of the coating properties and the tool performance will be carried out with the CemeCon AG. In addition, the tools and machined components will be subjected to extensive analyses to determine damage mechanisms, diffusion and oxidation processes. Due to it, initial wear behavior and the temperature of the tool cutting edge is measured under laboratory conditions during milling using a novel temperature measurement setup. Together with Schwegler Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co. KG and Karl-Heinz-Arnold GmbH, suitable tool geometries and substrate compositions will be developed and tested.