Projekt Titel
Multi-method analysis of production planning and control for make-to-order companies
LO 858/28-1
Funding code
November 1, 2023
October 30, 2025
Gepris ID
Despite progress in the theoretical understanding of logistic objectives and production planning and control, the actual achievement of objectives in practice is often unsatisfactory. This raises two questions for the scientific community: (1) Why do companies fail to achieve their logistical goals? (2) How can these causes be systematically recorded and analyzed?The idea of the research project is to further develop and combine proven analysis methods in order to answer the outlined research questions. This will make it possible to (1) completely record the actuating, control and target variables of production control, (2) collect reference, planned and actual processes for the tasks of production control, (3) detect deviations between reference, planned and actual processes and (4) check the data quality. In doing so, the analysis will have to cover the complete order fulfillment process from scheduling of quotations to completion of the order.The evaluation is to be carried out step by step together with five partner companies to ensure the applicability and practical relevance of the method.In a follow-up project, the analysis method is to be used to conduct a comprehensive field study on the practice of production planning and control and to build up a publicly accessible, comprehensive database.