Projekt Titel
Application of the Characteristic Mode Analysis to Antenna Design and Electromagnetic Compatibility
March 1, 2014
February 29, 2016
The Characteristic Mode Analysis (CMA) – based on the fundamental works of Harrington and Mautz – is a well-known numerical tool for antenna analysis and design. Within the numerical framework of the method of moments (MoM) the characteristic modes are found by the solution of a weighted matrix eigenvalue equation formulated with the MoM system matrix. The resulting current distributions are the eigencurrents and eigenvalues, respectively. The eigenvalues indicate if the corresponding eigencurrents may store primarily magnetic energy, or electric energy, or if they are “at resonance” and may radiate efficiently if excited. The eigencurrents constitute a set of (orthogonal) modes characteristic to the investigated structure (hence the name) and independent of any excitation. In antenna design inspection of the eigencurrents allows to identify e.g. suitable locations for generators and ways to improve radiation efficiency. In EMC analysis, the goals are opposite: analyze a potentially radiating structure and reduce its potential for emission.
During the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship of Prof. Qi Wu at TUHH CMA was applied successfully to antenna design and extended to EMC analysis of digital systems
During the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship of Prof. Qi Wu at TUHH CMA was applied successfully to antenna design and extended to EMC analysis of digital systems