Projekt Titel
Numerische Modellierung der Steuerung der Motilität des menschlichen Magens durch die Hirn-Magen-Achse
MI 2796/2-1
January 16, 2022
January 15, 2025
Gepris ID
Many gastric disorders of the highest clinical relevance are assumed to have their origin in the so-called brain-stomach axis, the coupling between the brain and the mechanical motility of the stomach. However, to date the brain-stomach axis remains poorly understood, which severely limits our ability to improve and design efficient therapies against gastric disorders. The aim of this project is to develop the first comprehensive computational model of both the mechanical and biological aspects of the brain-stomach axis. This model will incorporate a wide range of anatomical, morphological, physiological, biochemical, pharmacological, mechanical and neurophysiological data to provide an accurate basis for a multilevel analysis of the interrelated biological processes involved in gastric motility. It is expected that the model will offer unique insights into the pathophysiological foundations of two gastric motility disorders, namely myenteric neuropathy and gastroparesis. The results of this project bear great potential to help improve existing and develop new diagnostic tests, to accelerate drug discovery and to rationalize therapeutic interventions in treating the above gastric motility disorders.