Electromagnetic Theory E-18
TUHH Institute
The Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik is part of the School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics of the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Areas of interest of the institute cover many aspects of theory, computation, and application of electromagnetic field properties. Special focus is put on:
- Numerical methods for computation of electromagnetic fiels and electrical circuits
- Signal and power integrity (SI/PI) as well as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic systems
- Bioelectromagnetics and field design for medical imaging
- Microwave measurement techniques and components
The Institute for Electromagnetic Theory participates in the following coordinated research initiatives: ForLab-HELIOS (Hamburg Microelectronics Laboratory for Integrated Optoelectronic System) and MLE@TUHH (Machine Learning in Engineering @ TUHH):
ForLab-HELIOS is jointly carried out by four institutes from TUHH and partner institutes from the University of Hamburg and is financially supported by the federal government’s framework program for research and innovation.
MLE@TUHH is an initiative for combining competences in the field of machine learning at TUHH with the aim of transfering knowledge to business and industry. Students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, and professors from all disciplines at TUHH together with colleagues from the Helmholtz Center Geesthacht are committed to making methods and applications of machine learning better known and to building a network for scientific exchange.
- Numerical methods for computation of electromagnetic fiels and electrical circuits
- Signal and power integrity (SI/PI) as well as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic systems
- Bioelectromagnetics and field design for medical imaging
- Microwave measurement techniques and components
The Institute for Electromagnetic Theory participates in the following coordinated research initiatives: ForLab-HELIOS (Hamburg Microelectronics Laboratory for Integrated Optoelectronic System) and MLE@TUHH (Machine Learning in Engineering @ TUHH):
ForLab-HELIOS is jointly carried out by four institutes from TUHH and partner institutes from the University of Hamburg and is financially supported by the federal government’s framework program for research and innovation.
MLE@TUHH is an initiative for combining competences in the field of machine learning at TUHH with the aim of transfering knowledge to business and industry. Students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, and professors from all disciplines at TUHH together with colleagues from the Helmholtz Center Geesthacht are committed to making methods and applications of machine learning better known and to building a network for scientific exchange.
Frauenhofer IZM, RF & Smart Sensor Systems
Georgia Tech, 3D Systems Packaging Research Center (PRC)
Ghent University, IDLAB- Internet Technology and Data Science Lab
Heriot Watt Universität, Institute of Sensors, Signals & Systems
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
IETR, L’Institut d’Électronique et des Technologies du numéRique
KOA Europe GmbH
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory
Politecnico di Milano, Electronics & Informatics and Bioengineering Department
Politecnico di Torino, Electronics & Telecommunications Department/ EMC Group
Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), Electronics Engineering Department
University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science
Philips Research Hamburg
University of Toronto, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Valeo eAutomotive, Erlangen, Deutschland