Materials, Physics and Chemistry of Buildings B-3
The institute, a scientific unit of the University of Technology Hamburg, provides research and teaching, especially in the fields of building materials, physics and chemistry of buildings and building construction. In addition the institute provides services for customers, in particular material testing. Furthermore the institute participates in the formation of standards and guidelines in its fields of research and teaching. The research interests of the institute can be described as:
Corrosion and durability of materials and structures, special and high performance materials, test methods for materials and components, connections between composition, structure and properties of the unprocessed materials, during processing and as hardened building materials, as well as energy saving, construction and environment.
Corrosion and durability of materials and structures, special and high performance materials, test methods for materials and components, connections between composition, structure and properties of the unprocessed materials, during processing and as hardened building materials, as well as energy saving, construction and environment.
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 2020 Zyklische Schädigungsprozesse in Hochleistungsbetonen im Experimental-Virtual-Lab
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2462 Prozesse in natürlichen und technischen Partikel-Fluid-Systemen (PintPFS)
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
F.A. Finger Institut, Universität Weimar
Zahlreiche weitere Unternehmen, Verbände und Behörden
Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 2036 Net-Zero Concrete