Komplexitätsmanagement durch systemische Selbstskalierung
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.123
Working Paper
Date Issued
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In computer science, scalability and actual scaling processes of multiagent systems are problems of much concern. So far, the debate has been inhibited by the indeterminacy of both of these central terms. From a sociological point of view, it is tried to define the notions of scalability and scaling process more clearly and to reflect them in a profound theoretical context. The terminological and conceptual framework, developed here, is guided by Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, general complexity science, and some approaches from organization and management research. Scaling processes are understood as operationalizations of complexity. By decomposing the term “scaling” difference-theoretically, a heuristic tool is achieved that clearly
denotes the points of reference of complexity management. The perspective on MAS
is built on an evolution-theoretical fundament. Finally, the results of this theoretically oriented paper are presented as proposals for a re-framing of the debate on scalability.
denotes the points of reference of complexity management. The perspective on MAS
is built on an evolution-theoretical fundament. Finally, the results of this theoretically oriented paper are presented as proposals for a re-framing of the debate on scalability.
DDC Class
004: Informatik