A power sensor unit for the localization of GSM mobile phones for search and rescue applications
Conference Paper
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IEEE Sensors: 6127162 (2011-10)
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Recent statistics show an increase in environmental disasters, a fact which is also perceivable to the public as reports of avalanches, earthquakes and landslides mount in media coverage. Recent examples are Haiti 2010 and Fukushima 2011. Search and Rescue with modern localization techniques consequently attracts attention from scientific and industrial sides. This paper introduces a field strength measurement unit, which is part of the I-LOV project. In this project partners from relief organizations, universities, and industry investigate enhancements in disaster handling and victim rescue. One possible option is to take advantage of the fact that most people own a mobile phone today and take it with them the whole day. To locate a person by his or her mobile phone requires to find the maximum of its radiated field strength. This paper will show a new power sensor unit for GSM signals. The complete design flow from requirements considerations to measurement results will be demonstrated. A dynamic range of 107 dB is only one of the remarkable outcomes.