Flexible und konfigurierbare Software-Architekturen für datenintensive ontologiebasierte Informationssysteme
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.832
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Flexible and configurable software architectures for data-intensive ontology-based information systems
Doctoral Thesis
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Technische Universität Hamburg
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It is now commonly accepted that ontologies will play an important role for the next generation of information systems. Nowadays, the vision of the Semantic Web receives great attention, given that it not only promises „intelligent'' answers to content-based user retrieval queries on the Web, but also automated lookup, composition and invocation of Web services, based on their functional service descriptions. Moreover, ontologies are not only relevant in the field of the Semantic Web, but also in a multitude of other information system domains. By providing a rich and logically formal frame of well-defined notions, a so-called conceptualization of a domain, new and innovative services of added value may be realized for information systems.
In this thesis, a formal software framework aimed to support the construction of ontology-based information systems is designed and implemented under formal and software technical concerns. In order to ensure a high flexibility and applicability of the framework in various information system domains, the framework was designed in such a way that it is able to cover and address regions in the design space of information systems, not merely single points in this space. Current Semantic Web languages, such as OWL, will be embraced as well.
By continues consideration of two so-called "guiding domains" for information systems, domain specific aspects and requirements influence and guide the framework under development, from the requirement analysis phase over the design phase to the implementation of the framework as well as prototypical information systems in the guiding domains, build upon and with the framework. On the one hand, the Semantic Web will be considered as one guiding domain. On the other hand, geographical / spatial information systems will be considered. A main focus of this work lies on the realization of an ontology-based query answering engine. The work covers all three main problem categories which have to be addressed for the realization of such an engine: the representation problem, the query answering problem, and the inference problem. The so-called family of description logics provide an important pillar for this work, given they provide the theoretical basis and foundation of contemporary ontology languages (e.g., OWL). This thesis also describes the design and implementation of the description logical query language nRQL, which is used by many users of the well-known description logic system RacerPro. nRQL is an integral part of the framework designed and realized in this work.
In this thesis, a formal software framework aimed to support the construction of ontology-based information systems is designed and implemented under formal and software technical concerns. In order to ensure a high flexibility and applicability of the framework in various information system domains, the framework was designed in such a way that it is able to cover and address regions in the design space of information systems, not merely single points in this space. Current Semantic Web languages, such as OWL, will be embraced as well.
By continues consideration of two so-called "guiding domains" for information systems, domain specific aspects and requirements influence and guide the framework under development, from the requirement analysis phase over the design phase to the implementation of the framework as well as prototypical information systems in the guiding domains, build upon and with the framework. On the one hand, the Semantic Web will be considered as one guiding domain. On the other hand, geographical / spatial information systems will be considered. A main focus of this work lies on the realization of an ontology-based query answering engine. The work covers all three main problem categories which have to be addressed for the realization of such an engine: the representation problem, the query answering problem, and the inference problem. The so-called family of description logics provide an important pillar for this work, given they provide the theoretical basis and foundation of contemporary ontology languages (e.g., OWL). This thesis also describes the design and implementation of the description logical query language nRQL, which is used by many users of the well-known description logic system RacerPro. nRQL is an integral part of the framework designed and realized in this work.
description logic
information system
software engineering
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