Additive manufacturing of a blade-integrated disk by laser metal deposition
Conference Paper
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30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, ICALEO 2011: 250-256 (2011)
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Laser Inst. of America
Currently, high value Class 1 jet engine components such as BLISKs (Blade-Integrated diSKs) are manufactured by time and cost-prohibitive conventional techniques, such as five-axis milling, linear friction welding and electro chemical machining. The investigation within the Fraunhofer Cluster of Innovation "TurPro" qualifies Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) as a new "green manufacturing" method for nickel and titanium alloy-based BLISKs. Feasibility studies and subsequent process development towards a first additive IN 718 BLISK mock-up are presented. Parameter windows for laser powers up to 10 kW have been investigated to attain high deposition rates of up to 9,000 mm3/min for track widths between 2 mm and 4 mm. Using a zoom optics, track width of the tool path can be adjusted during the process to the airfoil geometry and a near-net shape built up can be achieved. Process time of two minutes for the additive manufacture of a near-net shape single blade was achieved. When the blade receives the appropriate heat treatment, its static and dynamic material properties were found to be approximate to forged components.
DDC Class
530: Physik