The Impact of the new DMS-1030 Stability Standard on the Future Design of Navy Ships
Conference Paper
Date Issued
15th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC 2024)
Contribution to Conference
15th International Marine Design Conference, IMDC 2024
Publisher DOI
TU Delft OPEN Publishing
In 2022, the German BAAINBw launched a revised issue of their 1030-1 stability regulations for Navy surface vessels. The improvements of the revised code concerned (inter alia) a new stability criterion for minimizing the effect of parametric rolling combined with pure loss of stability on the wave crest and revised damage stability calculation assumptions, which mainly focus on the submergence of openings and a special treatment of watertight doors. The improvements of the code were found to be necessary to keep track of recent developments in IMO for commercial ships and to update the safety level represented by the code. At the same time, the revised code gives more freedom to the ship designer, a fact which may allow novel and more cost effective concepts of Navy Ships in the near future, provided, the evaluation of the stability according to the code takes place immediately during the very early design phase of the ship. The present paper gives insight into the important updates of the code and it demonstrates at the same time how the design of Navy Ships may benefit from the revised code, if it is applied throughout the very first design phase of the ship. The paper will further present an improved design regime for the early design stage.