Entwicklung einer statistikbasierten Simulationsmethodik für Schiffsentwürfe unter realistischen Betriebsbedingungen
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.909
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Development of a statistic-based simulation methodology for ship design, incorporating realistic operating conditions
Doctoral Thesis
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Technische Universität Hamburg
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This thesis describes a newly developed approach to ship design evaluation and optimisation. The therefore implemented simulation algorithm employs the Monte Carlo Method in order to reproduce and predict lifetime operation conditions of a projected (or existing) vessel. On basis of statistically analysed
vessel-specific and environmental data in combination with direct calculations of the vessel’s propulsion it is possible to benchmark different designs regarding various parameters. These parameters can either be design-, but also operation-specific.
Applying the Monte-Carlo-Method, the vessel’s speed, its floating condition and the environmental conditions (wind and sea state) are determined for a sufficient number of parameter sets. Subsequently the equilibrium condition for the propulsion point is computed, utilising an already implemented manoeuvring
algorithm. Following this proceeding, it is possible to identify the specific requirement profile and to align the vessel’s design or the operating conditions (e.g. trim distribution) with this profile.
Since this methodology computes rather fast, it offers the possibility to assess the impact of parametric design variations economically and ecologically. This assessment can be adjusted to different vessel types, shipping routes and connected to this the commodity flow, tailored to the individual needs.
In order to validate the calculation method’s feasibility, the algorithm’s results have been checked against measured long-term data from various vessels of different type in operation.
vessel-specific and environmental data in combination with direct calculations of the vessel’s propulsion it is possible to benchmark different designs regarding various parameters. These parameters can either be design-, but also operation-specific.
Applying the Monte-Carlo-Method, the vessel’s speed, its floating condition and the environmental conditions (wind and sea state) are determined for a sufficient number of parameter sets. Subsequently the equilibrium condition for the propulsion point is computed, utilising an already implemented manoeuvring
algorithm. Following this proceeding, it is possible to identify the specific requirement profile and to align the vessel’s design or the operating conditions (e.g. trim distribution) with this profile.
Since this methodology computes rather fast, it offers the possibility to assess the impact of parametric design variations economically and ecologically. This assessment can be adjusted to different vessel types, shipping routes and connected to this the commodity flow, tailored to the individual needs.
In order to validate the calculation method’s feasibility, the algorithm’s results have been checked against measured long-term data from various vessels of different type in operation.
realistische Betriebsbedingung
simulation methodology
realistic operating conditions
ship design
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