Nutzung regionaler abfall- und abwasserstämmiger Bioressourcen am Beispiel des Hamburger Demonstrationsvorhabens „Jenfelder Au“ : Inventur, Lagerung, Aufbereitung, Vergärung und Gärrestverwertung
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.1585
Working Paper
Date Issued
In this research report work and results are presented, which were created as part of the BMBF funded joint project KREIS (Kopplung von regenerativer Energiegewinnung mit innovativer Stadtentwässerung) (funding code 033L047C). The aim of KREIS was to prepare for the implementation of Hamburg Water Cycle® (HWC) developed by Hamburg Wasser in a new housing estate in Hamburg. The HWC focuses on separate collection of rain, grey and blackwater and decentralized treatment of the three wastewater streams. The work carried out by the TUHH covered the research field of blackwater treatment together with regional biogenic residues. Vacuum toilets are used to collect concentrated blackwater for anaerobically treatment with waste-derived co-substrates and convert them into biogas, which is intended to supply electricity and heat for the district. Treatment possibilities for the remaining digestate were also considered.
An inventory of potential co-substrates was conducted. Lawn cuttings and greasy water were selected and characterized in terms of dry residue, organics, total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC) and total phosphorus (TP) contents. Studies on the storage and preparation of lawn cuttings showed that this bioresource is available all year round without quality losses and can be used as a suspension or in the form of a press juice. The biogas potential depends heavily on the history of the grass with further variation between lawn cuttings and its pressed juice with a measure of 300-500 nL / kgoTR and 500-900 nL /kgoTR respectively. The addition of either lawn cuttings or press juice was observed to have a positive effect on fermentation process. In regards to process stability and biogas yields, mixtures of the blackwater with greasy water and a lawn cutting variant were well suited to the requirements in the considered living area. The digestate of the substrate mixtures contained high nutrient contents that are relevant for recovery. Investigations into the solid-liquid separation were carried out as the basis for digestate recovery. The observations showed that a combination of energetic and material recovery processes can improve the recycling efficiency of the researched residues.
Three feed scenarios for the investigated area were considered and evaluated with regard to biogas production and nutrient content of the digestate. A substrate mixture of blackwater (40% FM), greasy water (30% FM) and lawn silage (30% FM) provided the best results in all areas. Firstly, this mixture achieved the highest yields with approx. 37 m³ Biogas / tFM and secondly, the digestate also contained the highest nutrient contents with 0.7 g / L phosphorus and 2.6 g / L nitrogen. Finally, the fermentation residue had a dry matter content of 6.5 % FM and is therefore well suited for a solid-liquid separation by means of screw press. In a comparison of various digestate recovery scenarios, the fertilization value of different digestate products was estimated, showing that a full recovery of resources can be achieved while simultaneously obtaining valuable nutrient products using a holistic treatment method.
An inventory of potential co-substrates was conducted. Lawn cuttings and greasy water were selected and characterized in terms of dry residue, organics, total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC) and total phosphorus (TP) contents. Studies on the storage and preparation of lawn cuttings showed that this bioresource is available all year round without quality losses and can be used as a suspension or in the form of a press juice. The biogas potential depends heavily on the history of the grass with further variation between lawn cuttings and its pressed juice with a measure of 300-500 nL / kgoTR and 500-900 nL /kgoTR respectively. The addition of either lawn cuttings or press juice was observed to have a positive effect on fermentation process. In regards to process stability and biogas yields, mixtures of the blackwater with greasy water and a lawn cutting variant were well suited to the requirements in the considered living area. The digestate of the substrate mixtures contained high nutrient contents that are relevant for recovery. Investigations into the solid-liquid separation were carried out as the basis for digestate recovery. The observations showed that a combination of energetic and material recovery processes can improve the recycling efficiency of the researched residues.
Three feed scenarios for the investigated area were considered and evaluated with regard to biogas production and nutrient content of the digestate. A substrate mixture of blackwater (40% FM), greasy water (30% FM) and lawn silage (30% FM) provided the best results in all areas. Firstly, this mixture achieved the highest yields with approx. 37 m³ Biogas / tFM and secondly, the digestate also contained the highest nutrient contents with 0.7 g / L phosphorus and 2.6 g / L nitrogen. Finally, the fermentation residue had a dry matter content of 6.5 % FM and is therefore well suited for a solid-liquid separation by means of screw press. In a comparison of various digestate recovery scenarios, the fertilization value of different digestate products was estimated, showing that a full recovery of resources can be achieved while simultaneously obtaining valuable nutrient products using a holistic treatment method.
dezentrale Abfallverwertung
Hamburg Water Cycle®
DDC Class
620: Ingenieurwissenschaften
More Funding Information
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Projekt-Nr. BMBF: 033L047C)
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