A new specimen for fatigue analysis of cord-rubber composites
Conference Paper
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End Page
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR IX, 2015. - Hoboken, NJ, 2015. - Pp. 373-378 (2015)
Contribution to Conference
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
CRC Press
Cord-rubber composites are widely used in industries, for example in tires, air-springs, hoses etc. Fatigue analysis of the underlying cord-rubber sections are an important task because the failure of such products can lead to serious accidents. Generally, two approaches can be adopted to define the end-of-life of cord-rubber composite parts: crack nucleation and crack growth approaches. In the past, several specimen shapes were developed mainly for the crack growth approach, applicable to analyse the fatigue behaviour of tires with cords ending in the carcass. This paper presents a new cord-rubber specimen to analyse different damage parameters for the crack nucleation approach. The specimen consists of three parallel embedded cords in a rubber matrix. A cyclic force is applied to the central cord until full fracture of the specimen. The aim is to investigate critical values of known damage parameters like principal stretch ratio, maximum principal value of Cauchy stress and the minimum eigenvalue of the Eshelby stress tensor and apply these values to rolling-lobe air-spring. The paper presents the specimen, the optical measurement system for the cord displacements and discusses the results of the investigated damage parameters.
DDC Class
600: Technik
620: Ingenieurwissenschaften