SiLuFra Schlussbericht - Sichere Luftfracht-Transportkette: Konzepte, Strategien und Technologien für sichere und effiziente Luftfracht-Transportketten; Teilvorhaben: Modellbasierte Architektur- und Lösungsspezifikation; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.07.2013 - 31.08.2016
Technical Report
Date Issued
In the sub-project, a model-based architecture and specifications for solutions for the airfreight transport chain is designed and developed, which is an innovation because currently there is no holistic representation of involved actors, processes, interfaces and communication paths. With this established and superior framework, a targeted integration of already existing and future expected solutions can be achieved for the first time in such a way that the safety level in the overall system is improved. This framework is an important basis for the overall project. The aim of the sub-project is therefore the development of a methodology for a scientifically standardized, manageable and transferable (semi-)formal specification of a secure and efficient airfreight transport chain. The result is a high-level meta model of airfreight with a representation of existing and future process chains using a widely used, standardized modeling language.
Sicherheit der Luftfracht, effiziente Transportprozesse, Risikoanalyse, Modellbasierte Architektur- und Lösungsspezifikation
Air cargo security, efficient transport processes, risk analysis, model-based architecture specification and specifications for solutions
DDC Class
000: Allgemeines, Wissenschaft