Operational experience with a system of coupled fluidized beds for chemical looping combustion of solid fuels using ilmenite as oxygen carrier
Journal Article
Date Issued
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Applied Energy 118 : 309-317 (2014-04-01)
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
A system of coupled fluidized beds for chemical looping combustion of solid fuels was successfully commissioned. The facility has a rated thermal power of 25kW and consists of a circulating fluidized bed coupled with a two-stage bubbling fluidized bed. The two-stage bubbling fluidized bed is the fuel reactor and the riser of the circulating fluidized bed is the air reactor. In the experiments Australian ilmenite with a particle size in the range of 100-400μm was used as the oxygen carrier. The solid fuel was lignite dust with more than 70% of the mass having a particle size smaller than 150μm. The influence of the operational parameters, i.e. reactor temperature, coal feed rate and composition of the fuel reactor feed gas on the operational behaviour of the system was investigated. The two-stage fuel reactor performed well and CO2-concentrations in the dry fuel reactor off-gas of above 90vol.% were achieved. The reason for the appearance of unconverted combustible gases in the fuel reactor off-gas needs further investigation. Solids circulation rates based on the riser cross-section were determined under hot operating conditions and turned out to be between 56 and 70kg/m2s. The carbon slip to the air reactor was small in all tests: only 1.5-6.5wt.% of the fixed carbon introduced with the coal were oxidized in the air reactor.
Carbon dioxide capture
Chemical looping combustion
Fluidized bed reactor system
Oxygen carrier
DDC Class
600: Technology