Abstract life-cycle modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering
Conference Paper
Date Issued
European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM 2020)
Contribution to Conference
With recent advancements in embedded sensing technologies for the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, instrumented with structural health monitoring and control applications, are increasingly implemented in civil engineering. Several approaches towards metamodeling cyber-physical systems in civil engineering have been proposed in recent years, based on unified modeling language (UML), category theory, and abstract algebra. However, life-cycle metamodeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering has not yet been addressed in its full generality. The evolution of a cyber-physical system (CPS) during its life cycle typically requires the evolution of the corresponding metamodel, because different components of a system may be added or removed. Therefore, life-cycle metamodeling approaches must provide possibilities to de-scribe temporal behavior of CPS components, which is not supported by current metamodeling approaches utilized in civil engineering practice. Thus, in this study, an abstract modeling concept for integrating tem-poral evolutions of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering into existing metamodeling approaches is pro-posed. The integration starts with a detailed description of a typical CPS life cycle in civil engineering, under-lying unique features for each life-cycle phase. The features characterizing phases of a CPS life cycle are abstracted and formalized by abstract algebraic constructions, supporting diagram-based modeling approach-es, such as UML. Finally, an illustrative example of abstract CPS life-cycle modeling for additive manufac-turing of concrete is presented.