Model Based Systems Engineering zur Unterstützung der Baukastenentwicklung im Kontext der Frühen Phase der Produktgenerationsentwicklung
Doctoral Thesis
Date Issued
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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
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In this research thesis, a product-modeling framework is introduced which assists developers in the synthesis and analysis of modular products. It is demonstrated how information from previous product generations can be used to efficiently create product models using the Model Based Systems Engineering approach in the context of the early stages of product generation engineering4. Based on an analysis of literature, it is deduced that modular design, as a standardisation method for complex products, should not be understood as a phase prior to the actual product development process, but should be seen as a concurrent activity within product development. A need for research is identified in order to support the iterative product development processes by means of consistent module models and product models. Based on the analysis of various product development processes in the industrial context, a potential for the use of the reference product models is revealed. When products are developed in generations, they are based on at least one reference product. The information acquired through product generations can be mapped onto a reference model and, thus, serve as a knowledge base for the product generation engineering5. Based on the degrees of abstraction of the integrated product development model iPeM, a framework is developed, into which reference product models as well as essential elements of modular design can be integrated. This serves as a basis for two case studies that are carried out in an industrial context. A consistent modeling of vehicles and corresponding modules take place within the scope of the first case study. In the second case study, various portal scrapers are modelled in order to identify the standardization potential. Finally, the outlook highlights how future research of the core areas of this work can be carried forward: Model Based Systems Engineering, modular design and product generation engineering.
DDC Class
600: Technology