Reaching maximum inter-laminar properties in GFRP/nanoscale sculptured aluminium ply laminates
Journal Article
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End Page
Composites Science and Technology (167): 32-41 (2018-10-20)
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
The aim of the present work is to reach maximum inter-laminar properties in fibre metal laminates (FML) consisting of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) and aluminium (Al) plies. The Al plies are AA5019 and AA5754 alloys and pre-treated by nanoscale sculpturing before the FMLs are manufactured by resin transfer moulding. The nanoscale sculpturing of the Al plies leads to the formation of cubical hook-like structures on the surface giving rise to a three-dimensional mechanically interlocking surface. The inter-laminar properties of the FML are investigated by double-notch shear as well as double cantilever beam (Mode I) and end notched flexure (Mode II) testing methods and compared to untreated Al plies and conventional GRFP laminates as reference. As result the nanoscale sculptured Al plies show drastically increased inter-laminar mechanical properties due to highly improved inter-ply bonding between metal surface and resin. For all FMLs with nanoscale sculptured Al plies the delamination appears in the transition zone between glass fibres and matrix due to the lower adhesion of the glass fibre/matrix interface compared to the nanoscale sculptured Al ply/matrix interface. This proves that the maximum necessary inter-laminar properties are achieved.