Implementing computer-assisted exams in a course on numerical analysis for engineering students
Conference Paper
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19th SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar on Mathematics in Engineering Education, 26th – 29th, June 2018 Coimbra, Portugal. - Brussels, 2018. - Pp. 33-38
Contribution to Conference
This contribution reports on implementing computer-assisted exams within a course on numerical
analysis for engineering students. As in many courses on applied mathematics, in order to give a
glimpse on realistic problems one is faced with large computations which are typically done by
computers. However, when it comes to exams on such topics students are often asked to apply the
learned methods, which are suited for large systems, to very small problems by pen-and-paper. We
will explain how we did overcome this gap by adjusting the examination procedure appropriately.
The framework for the exam may also serve as an example which can be easily transferred and
adjusted to other courses, institutions and needs.
analysis for engineering students. As in many courses on applied mathematics, in order to give a
glimpse on realistic problems one is faced with large computations which are typically done by
computers. However, when it comes to exams on such topics students are often asked to apply the
learned methods, which are suited for large systems, to very small problems by pen-and-paper. We
will explain how we did overcome this gap by adjusting the examination procedure appropriately.
The framework for the exam may also serve as an example which can be easily transferred and
adjusted to other courses, institutions and needs.
DDC Class
510: Mathematik