Resource provisioning for IoT services in the fog
Conference Paper
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IEEE 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2016)
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The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) leadsto the pervasion of business and private spaces with ubiquitous, networked computing devices. These devices do not simply actas sensors, but feature computational, storage, and networkingresources. These resources are close to the edge of the network, and it is a promising approach to exploit them in order to executeIoT services. This concept is known as fog computing.Despite existing theoretical foundations, the adoption of fogcomputing is still at its very beginning. Especially, there is alack of approaches for the leasing and releasing of resources. Toresolve this shortcoming, we present a conceptual framework forfog resource provisioning. We formalize an optimization problemwhich is able to take into account existing resources in fog/IoTlandscapes. The goal of this optimization problem is to providedelay-sensitive utilization of available fog-based computationalresources. We evaluate the resource provisioning model to showthe benefits of our contributions. Our results show a decrease indelays of up to 39% compared to a baseline approach, yieldingshorter round-trip times and makespans.
edge computing
fog computing
internet of things