Prediction of underwater noise and far field propagation due to pile driving for offshore wind farms
Conference Paper
Date Issued
Article Number
Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 19, 070036 (2013)
Contribution to Conference
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American Institute of Physics
Wind energy plays a key role towards a greener and more sustainable energy generation. Due to limited onshore areas and possible negative
effects on human living space, offshore wind parks become increasingly popular. However, during construction by pile driving, high levels of
underwater sound emission are observed. To avoid negative effects on marine mammals and other sea life, different approaches are currently
investigated to cut down the sound pressure levels, like e.g. bubble curtains or cofferdams. In order to predict the expected underwater noise
both with and without sound damping measures, numerical simulation models are needed to avoid complex and costly offshore tests. Within
this contribution, possible modelling strategies for the prediction of underwater noise due to pile driving are discussed. Different approaches are
shown for the direct adjacencies of the pile and for the far field sound propagation. The effectivity of potential noise mitigation measures is
investigated using a detailed finite element model of the surroundings of the pile. Far field propagation in the kHz range at distances of several
kilometres from the pile, on the other hand, is computed by a model based on wavenumber integration. Finally, the model validation with
corresponding offshore tests is addressed.
effects on human living space, offshore wind parks become increasingly popular. However, during construction by pile driving, high levels of
underwater sound emission are observed. To avoid negative effects on marine mammals and other sea life, different approaches are currently
investigated to cut down the sound pressure levels, like e.g. bubble curtains or cofferdams. In order to predict the expected underwater noise
both with and without sound damping measures, numerical simulation models are needed to avoid complex and costly offshore tests. Within
this contribution, possible modelling strategies for the prediction of underwater noise due to pile driving are discussed. Different approaches are
shown for the direct adjacencies of the pile and for the far field sound propagation. The effectivity of potential noise mitigation measures is
investigated using a detailed finite element model of the surroundings of the pile. Far field propagation in the kHz range at distances of several
kilometres from the pile, on the other hand, is computed by a model based on wavenumber integration. Finally, the model validation with
corresponding offshore tests is addressed.
DDC Class
530: Physik
620: Ingenieurwissenschaften
More Funding Information
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit