Measuring detailed vertical density profiles in cohesive sediment layers : a comparison of techniques
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.8699
Other Titles
Comparison of different techniques for the determination of detailed vertical density profiles in cohesive sediment layers in the area of the Port of Hamburg
Conference Poster
Date Issued
17th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport (INTERCOH 2023)
Contribution to Conference
Markus Witt @ Intercoh2023, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
The representation of the complex behavior of cohesive sediments in numerical models is a major challenge. To tackle this situation and deepen the understanding of estuarine sediment transport in general, the joint project ELMOD is conducted. Involved partners are the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW, model application), the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBW, development of model approaches) and the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH, field measurements and laboratory investigations).
This contribution outlines the conception of the first ship-based measurement campaign in the research project ELMOD which was conducted in the port area of Hamburg. It puts a focus on the in-situ measurements of vertical density- and SSC-profiles with different methods. Additionally, the agreement of the in-situ measured density profiles with the vertical density distribution of sediment cores collected during the same campaign is checked.
The utilized devices and techniques deliver very consistent results. The bed-density profiles and especially their gradient are in good agreement for the subsamples of the extracted cores, Admodus USP pro, Rheotune and sediment echosounder, which shows that the extracted sediment cores reflect the natural density profiles to a high degree. The slightly different elevations of the associated densities are seen to be due to small changes in Ship positions. Hach Solitax sc and peristaltic pump (+vacuum filtration) deliver comparable SSC-values in the water column. In the relatively thin bottom layer with rapidly rising sediment concentrations both techniques reach their limits.
This contribution outlines the conception of the first ship-based measurement campaign in the research project ELMOD which was conducted in the port area of Hamburg. It puts a focus on the in-situ measurements of vertical density- and SSC-profiles with different methods. Additionally, the agreement of the in-situ measured density profiles with the vertical density distribution of sediment cores collected during the same campaign is checked.
The utilized devices and techniques deliver very consistent results. The bed-density profiles and especially their gradient are in good agreement for the subsamples of the extracted cores, Admodus USP pro, Rheotune and sediment echosounder, which shows that the extracted sediment cores reflect the natural density profiles to a high degree. The slightly different elevations of the associated densities are seen to be due to small changes in Ship positions. Hach Solitax sc and peristaltic pump (+vacuum filtration) deliver comparable SSC-values in the water column. In the relatively thin bottom layer with rapidly rising sediment concentrations both techniques reach their limits.
cohesive sediment
density profile
Port of Hamburg
suspended sediment
DDC Class
550: Earth Sciences, Geology
624: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
Funding Organisations
More Funding Information
The IWB would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Coastal Engineering Research Council (KFKI) for their funding and support of the project, as well as the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) for providing vessel capacity, measuring equipment and experience.
Measuring detailed vertical density profiles in cohesive sediment layers - A comparison of techniques -, Markus Witt, INTERCOH2023
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