Chlorella Microalga Biomass Cultivation for Obtaining Energy in Climatic Conditions of St. Petersburg
Conference Paper
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Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (692): 555-562 (2018)
Contribution to Conference
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There is a special approach of modern science, connected with production and use of biofuel, recieved from the biomass that is widely developing nowadays. In current paper conditions of cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana for further use as a source of receiving biofuel and biogas are studied. In comparison with other microalgae, types of Chlorella have higher efficiency of photosynthesis. Climatic conditions of St. Petersburg are less suitable for cultivation of Chlorella, than conditions of warm regions. But it is possible to receive a sufficient gain of biomass with the help of creation of additional factors of cultivation. According to St. Petersburg conditions, June, July and August are optimum for cultivation of microalgae. In this study cultivation of Chlorella sorokiniana under natural conditions of St. Petersburg was carried out, at natural lighting, without aeration when hashing once a day. Control experiment was made on populations which were grown up in vitro at a stable temperature in the same conditions of aeration and also on populations grown up with aeration and periodic hashing. The main condition of cultivation influencing growth of number of cells are aeration and hashing; in these conditions number of cells of algae in 16 days increases by 3.5 times. The same process made under natural conditions in St. Petersburg increases number of cells only by two times. The negative impact of environmental factors is shown in increase of part of dead cells in population that is revealed by means of coloring of temporary medicines by methylene blue. Thus, Chlorella sorokiniana cultivation is possible in the conditions of St. Petersburg, however it is necessary to correct cultivation conditions with aeration and periodic cultivation. The scheme of receiving valuable components and biofuel from the cultivated biomass of microalgae C. sorokiniana has been offered in this work.
C. vulgaris
Chlorella sorokiniana