Combined FEM-SPH simulations for ice in compression
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.1658
Working Paper
Date Issued
Within this chapter the outcome of the numerical investigation on a combined FEM-SPH simulation is summed up. The practical approach of this project allows only a rather sim-ple assessment and there are aspects that need to be investigated further. An outlook in-dicates possible aspects for future research.
Regarding the correlation of the contact forces the results of the final simulations pre-sented in section 3.3.1 are satisfying. The ability to model the transformation of the ma-terial and to handle large deformation was proven for the combined simulation. The fol-lowing particularities of the combined simulation were discussed:
• The Eroding option possibly leads to unphysical stress waves in the structure
• The application of two different material models in one simulation is possible
• The pressure distribution on the plate is possibly unphysical
• The time step size is smaller compared to the SPH simulation and the computation time is as a result 26 times higher compared to the FEM simulation
The preliminaries were regarding the innovative character of the combined simulation indispensable and lead to the following remarks:
• The contact options have a major effect on the outcome and the computation time
• The effect of the SPH particles on the structure before any element has failed and the gap of the contact are issues of the combined simulation
• The discretization of the cylinder is challenging and may result in certain irregu-larities
• The physical correctness of the material model (Crushable Foam) is doubtful
There are many different approaches for the numerical investigation of ice and yet there is not one method that can be seen superior, universal applicable or reliable. The results presented justify further investigation on alternative simulation methods with the focus on a user defined material model. To take full advantage of all the possibilities of a com-bined simulation the materials of the parts should differ. Different failure criteria could be applied to eliminate large distortions in the mesh.
Regarding the correlation of the contact forces the results of the final simulations pre-sented in section 3.3.1 are satisfying. The ability to model the transformation of the ma-terial and to handle large deformation was proven for the combined simulation. The fol-lowing particularities of the combined simulation were discussed:
• The Eroding option possibly leads to unphysical stress waves in the structure
• The application of two different material models in one simulation is possible
• The pressure distribution on the plate is possibly unphysical
• The time step size is smaller compared to the SPH simulation and the computation time is as a result 26 times higher compared to the FEM simulation
The preliminaries were regarding the innovative character of the combined simulation indispensable and lead to the following remarks:
• The contact options have a major effect on the outcome and the computation time
• The effect of the SPH particles on the structure before any element has failed and the gap of the contact are issues of the combined simulation
• The discretization of the cylinder is challenging and may result in certain irregu-larities
• The physical correctness of the material model (Crushable Foam) is doubtful
There are many different approaches for the numerical investigation of ice and yet there is not one method that can be seen superior, universal applicable or reliable. The results presented justify further investigation on alternative simulation methods with the focus on a user defined material model. To take full advantage of all the possibilities of a com-bined simulation the materials of the parts should differ. Different failure criteria could be applied to eliminate large distortions in the mesh.
Finite element method
smoothed particle hydrodynamics
DDC Class
530: Physik
620: Ingenieurwissenschaften
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