Numerical investigation of manoeuvring performance of an icebreaking tanker in ice-prone Baltic Sea environments
Conference Paper not in Proceedings
Date Issued
Article Number
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE 6: v006t07a019 (2024)
Contribution to Conference
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The maritime trade and activities in regions with ice-covered waters such as the Arctic, Antarctica, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Great Lakes are expected to experience growth in the near future, mainly influenced by factors like: increased dry bulk and cargo freight in Arctic regions, rising tourism in Arctic and Antarctic waters, and increased exploitation and transport of oil and gas in Arctic areas. Most importantly, global warming – particularly in the North Pole – is opening new navigation routes through ice melting, affecting susceptible ecosystems and making previously inaccessible areas more navigable [1]. This highlights the need for a deeper understanding of Ship-Ice Interaction (SII) and manoeuvring performance in ice-infested waters. For a vessel advancing in ice, the primary focus pertains to the prediction of the ice resistance; however, the transverse force and turning moment are also of significance contemplating the manoeuvrability aspect whilst in turning circumstance. This paper focuses on developing a numerical model to simulate SII and ship manoeuvres in level ice. The model integrates existing semi-empirical formulas for calculating ice-pertinent forces and moments, and a coefficient-based model (by the Taylor series expansion) for hydrodynamic forces. Key findings indicate the Lindqvist method’s effectiveness in predicting ice resistance, and confirm the reliability of the turning circle manoeuvre (in open water) with the experimental data of Wolff [2]. Nonetheless, to improve the accuracy of the turning circle manoeuvre in ice, it is imperative to have access to all the characteristics of the model tests and ice distribution in the ice tank.
Ice resistance | Manoeuvrability | Maritime trade | Numerical model | Polar regions | Ship-Ice Interaction (SII) | Turning circle manoeuvre
DDC Class
600: Technology