Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Validierung der Plausibilität von Free and Open Source Energiesystemmodellierungs- und Optimierungssoftware anhand von Tessif in Python
Citation Link: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.8003
Date Issued
Title Granting Institution
Technische Universität Hamburg
Place of Title Granting Institution
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Energy system modeling and optimization play a crucial role in devising concepts and efficient transformation strategies for energy systems, particularly in the transition towards renewable energy sources. Various free and open source software tools are available for energy system modeling and optimization, each with its unique strengths, application areas, and complexities.
Tessif is a framework for free and open source energy system modeling and optimization software (ESMOS). It facilitates the use of multiple software solutions, providing a unified data input and delivering standardized data output for effective comparison. However, the seamless integration of different ESMOS-systems into Tessif requires the conversion of data formats between the unified Tessif format and the specific ESMOS-formats. Unfortunately, the internal workings of individual ESMOS-systems remain somewhat opaque in the application of Tessif , presenting a challenge for both developers and users of the framework.
This thesis addresses this challenge by developing a methodology to validate the plausibility of ESMOS-systems integrated into software frameworks. To accomplish this, an interactive tool is created, empowering both developers and users to assess the credibility and functionality of integrated ESMOS-systems.
The interactive tool integrated in Tessif comprises small energy system models representing various customization options of the ESMOS-systems integrated within Tessif. By utilizing these minimum working examples, the tool effectively demonstrates the functionalities and behaviors of different ESMOS-systems in relation to energy system model customization. The insights gained from these examples hold significant value across multiple use cases. They serve as a means to compare and contrast different ESMOS-systems, offering a deep understanding of their content-level differences. Additionally, developers can leverage the tool to individually debug the integration of new and existing ESMOS into the framework.
Furthermore, this thesis presents comprehensive overviews and materials covering all customization options of the ESMOS-systems. These overviews elucidate the logic behind the minimum working examples concerning each customization option, assess whether their results align with expected outcomes, and evaluate their performance based on relevant indicators. Finally, a practical use case is provided to exemplify the practical application of these minimum working examples.
Tessif is a framework for free and open source energy system modeling and optimization software (ESMOS). It facilitates the use of multiple software solutions, providing a unified data input and delivering standardized data output for effective comparison. However, the seamless integration of different ESMOS-systems into Tessif requires the conversion of data formats between the unified Tessif format and the specific ESMOS-formats. Unfortunately, the internal workings of individual ESMOS-systems remain somewhat opaque in the application of Tessif , presenting a challenge for both developers and users of the framework.
This thesis addresses this challenge by developing a methodology to validate the plausibility of ESMOS-systems integrated into software frameworks. To accomplish this, an interactive tool is created, empowering both developers and users to assess the credibility and functionality of integrated ESMOS-systems.
The interactive tool integrated in Tessif comprises small energy system models representing various customization options of the ESMOS-systems integrated within Tessif. By utilizing these minimum working examples, the tool effectively demonstrates the functionalities and behaviors of different ESMOS-systems in relation to energy system model customization. The insights gained from these examples hold significant value across multiple use cases. They serve as a means to compare and contrast different ESMOS-systems, offering a deep understanding of their content-level differences. Additionally, developers can leverage the tool to individually debug the integration of new and existing ESMOS into the framework.
Furthermore, this thesis presents comprehensive overviews and materials covering all customization options of the ESMOS-systems. These overviews elucidate the logic behind the minimum working examples concerning each customization option, assess whether their results align with expected outcomes, and evaluate their performance based on relevant indicators. Finally, a practical use case is provided to exemplify the practical application of these minimum working examples.
Open Source Software
DDC Class
333.7: Natural Resources, Energy and Environment
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