Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) system based hybrid loads observer using an uncertain aircraft model
Conference Paper
Date Issued
AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition (2024)
Contribution to Conference
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The hybrid loads observer has consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in precisely estimating structural loads and wind disturbances in prior applications. This level of precision is attained through the combination of a high-fidelity physical, nonlinear flight dynamics model with a data-driven correction model. To mitigate the typically high computational effort, the nonlinear model of the loads observer is substituted in this work with a linear parameter-varying (LPV) system while preserving a comparable level of accuracy of the hybrid observer. For this purpose, the model is approximated by scheduled Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) models derived from Jacobian linearization of the nonlinear model. The robustness of this linear parameter-varying hybrid approach against parameter uncertainties is evaluated through virtual flight test studies using the subscale test aircraft Wingfinity-BL as an application example. It is demonstrated that increased model uncertainties lead to a reduction in wind estimation accuracy of the hybrid loads observer. Additionally, increased parameter uncertainties adversely affect the quality of structural loads estimation within the model-based (physical) approach of the observer. Nonetheless, this loss of accuracy can be effectively compensated by the data-driven correction model, leading to a high degree of loads estimation accuracy. Finally, experimental data from a wind tunnel test campaign, utilizing a 1-DOF representative test wing of the aircraft, confirms the high estimation accuracy of the LPV-based hybrid loads observer. Despite employing low-fidelity models, achieving high accuracy is feasible while maintaining the characteristic low complexity of the correction model.
DDC Class
690: Building, Construction
620: Engineering