High-temperature oxidation performance and its mechanism of TiC/Inconel 625 composites prepared by laser metal deposition additive manufacturing
Journal Article
Date Issued
Article Number
Journal of Laser Applications 27 (S1): S17005 (2015-02-01)
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Laser Inst. of America
The laser metal deposition (LMD) additive manufacturing process was applied to produce TiC/Inconel 625 composite parts. The high-temperature oxidation performance of the LMD-processed parts and the underlying physical/chemical mechanisms were systematically studied. The incorporation of the TiC reinforcement in the Inconel 625 improved the oxidation resistance of the LMD-processed parts, and the improvement function became more significant with increasing the TiC addition from 2.5-wt. % to 5.0-wt. %. The mass gain after 100-h oxidation at 800-°C decreased from 1.4130-mg/cm2 for the LMD-processed Inconel 625 to 0.3233-mg/cm2 for the LMD-processed Inconel 625/5.0-wt. % TiC composites. The oxidized surface of the LMD-processed Inconel 625 parts was mainly consisted of Cr2O3. For the LMD-processed TiC/Inconel 625 composites, the oxidized surface was composed of Cr2O3 and TiO2. The incorporation of the TiC reinforcing particles favored the inherent grain refinement in the LMD-processed composites and, therefore, the composite parts possessed the sound surface integrity after oxidation compared with the Inconel 625 parts under the same oxidation conditions. The LMD-processed TiC/Inconel 625 composites exhibited the excellent oxidation resistance under the oxidation temperature of 800-°C. A further increase in the oxidation temperature to 1000-°C caused the severe oxidation attack on the composites, due to the unfavorable further oxidation of Cr2O3 to CrO3 at the elevated treatment temperatures.
additive manufacturing
laser metal deposition (LMD)
metal matrix composites
DDC Class
600: Technik
More Funding Information
The authors appreciate the financial support from the Sino-German Centre (No. GZ712), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51322509 and 51104090), the Outstanding Youth Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (No. BK20130035), the Program for New
Century Excellent Talents in University (No. NCET-13-0854), the Science and Technology Support Program (The Industrial Part), Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology of China (No. BE2014009-2), the Program for Distinguished Talents of Six Domains in Jiangsu Province of China (No. 2013-XCL-028), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. NE2013103), and the Qing Lan Project, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education of China.
Century Excellent Talents in University (No. NCET-13-0854), the Science and Technology Support Program (The Industrial Part), Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology of China (No. BE2014009-2), the Program for Distinguished Talents of Six Domains in Jiangsu Province of China (No. 2013-XCL-028), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. NE2013103), and the Qing Lan Project, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education of China.