Synthesis and Application of Ti/La Based Composite Catalyst for Triglyceride Conversion into Biodiesel
Journal Article
Date Issued
Zahoor, Hamza
Khan, Romana
Nasreen, Sadia
Shah, Syed Nasir
Khan, Raja Muhammad Asif
Waste and Biomass Valorization (2024)
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
Springer Nature B.V.
The search for substitute fuels has motivated researchers to explore alternate attractive options such as conversion of used oils to biodiesel. This study is focused on the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil by developing a porcelain supported titanium and lanthanum oxide based composite catalyst. This heterogeneous composite catalyst was synthesized by the wet-impregnation method. The reaction procedure as well as reaction parameters like methanol to oil molar ratio, different catalyst loading, reaction temperature, reaction time, and reusability of catalyst was investigated. The results show that with the help of Ti: La: Porcelain, the yield of biodiesel produced was 94% at ≥ 90°C in 7 h. For both catalysts, 5 wt% of catalyst based on oil, 36:1 methanol/oil molar ratio was reused 5 times with regeneration. Different characterization of porcelain supported titanium and lanthanum Oxides before and after trans-esterification were performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique was used to analyze synthesized biodiesel. The physiochemical properties of the synthesized biodiesel were performed as well, and color changes were also scrutinized. A static immersion test of copper, aluminum, zinc, iron and stainless steel in the blend of prepared biodiesel/diesel was conducted at room temperature (25 –27 °C) for 720 h utilizing the conventional method of measuring weight loss. The findings of the study revealed that blend of biodiesel/diesel sample was less corrosive to these materials compared to literature at room temperature.
Composite heterogenous catalyst
Static immersion test
Wet-impregnation method
DDC Class
660.2: Chemical Engineering
572: Biochemistry
620: Engineering