Projekt Titel
GRK 2462: Teilprojekt A5 Infusion amorpher/hierarchischer Kohlenstoffe
March 1, 2019
March 31, 2022
Gepris ID
Übergeordnetes Projekt
Soils are natural particle-fluid systems (PFS), in which complex physical, chemical and biological processes,interfacial processes, and phase transitions occur, that are not sufficiently investigated experimentally,well-understood, and that cannot be simulated numerically with sufficient accuracy yet. In technicalPFS certain properties of particles are generated by means of controlled physical, chemical and biologicalprocesses, interfacial processes, and phase transitions (e. g. functionalized particles). Technical PFS alsorequire further research regarding understanding, modelling and process optimization. The problems innatural and technical PFS are partly analogous. Therefore, it is obvious, to investigate processes innatural and technical PFS interdisciplinary in order to reach a benefit of scientific findings. Exactly in thispoint, the originary and the potential of the planned research training group can be seen. The individualdisciplines name, model, and simulate similar processes identically or differently. Especially the lengthscales, on which PFS are investigated experimentally, modelled and simulated are different. By meansof the cooperation with strategical partners and the facilities at TUHH, e. g. electron microscopy, theprocesses are visualized over several length scales. Process models and numerical simulation methods ofthe involved collegiates serve for better understanding and description of complex processes. By means ofthe cooperation and interdisciplinary methodology new findings are expected. A research training groupprovides an optimal framework to reach these objectives. Scientists of the disciplines civil engineering,mechanical engineering and process engineering will focus their research within the guiding topic ”Processesin natural and technical Particle-Fluid Systems“ (PintPFS). Existing competences and resourcesof the involved scientists regarding experimental investigations, modelling and simulation of PFS enablean interdisciplinary research approach that raises expectation of innovations in the following fields:progress in modelling of PFS, better understanding of capillary effects, modelling of erosion, transportand sedimentation processes, development of functionalized particles, as well as development of numericalexperiments for PFS. The training group is supported by visiting scientists and strategical partners,especially Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) at Hamburg and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht(HZG). The proposed dissertation projects show the interdisciplinary research approach. To reach theobjectives, the research training group is accompanied by structured qualification and supervision conceptsfor the scholarship holders supporting a fast orientation within the different research topics, anacceleration of work processes, a networking with existing research structures, and the acquisition ofsocial skills.