Projekt Titel
Transition Manipulation
July 1, 2016
December 31, 2019
The project is devoted to the development of bio-inspired coatings of air flow exposed surfaces. The particular aim is to delay the transition from laminar to turbulent flows as well as the drag reduction in fully turbulent regions.
The resistance of commercial aircrafts is dominated by friction. Turbulent flows are afflicted with significantly higher friction drag than laminar flows. Although transition can certainly not be avoided, it might be delayed by attenuating the growth of transition inducing flow-instabilities. Moreover compliant coatings can help to reduce the friction in the turbulent regime.
The compliant coatings should feature the required mechanical behaviour to reduce the growth of unstable modes. The definition and development of such coatings is the focal point of the project. To this end, the work of TUHH was concerned with the simulation and analysis of the fluid-structure interaction in response to flow instabilities and near wall turbulent motions at large Reynolds-numbers using scale-resolving (turbulence-model free) simulations.
A particular Lattice-Boltzmann-Model for GPGPU-hardware was developed and applied to perform the simulations. Results were used to support the definition of the coating for subsequent wind-tunnel experiments.
The resistance of commercial aircrafts is dominated by friction. Turbulent flows are afflicted with significantly higher friction drag than laminar flows. Although transition can certainly not be avoided, it might be delayed by attenuating the growth of transition inducing flow-instabilities. Moreover compliant coatings can help to reduce the friction in the turbulent regime.
The compliant coatings should feature the required mechanical behaviour to reduce the growth of unstable modes. The definition and development of such coatings is the focal point of the project. To this end, the work of TUHH was concerned with the simulation and analysis of the fluid-structure interaction in response to flow instabilities and near wall turbulent motions at large Reynolds-numbers using scale-resolving (turbulence-model free) simulations.
A particular Lattice-Boltzmann-Model for GPGPU-hardware was developed and applied to perform the simulations. Results were used to support the definition of the coating for subsequent wind-tunnel experiments.