Projekt Titel
SPP 1679: Dynamic Simulation of Interconnected Solids Processes
HE 4526/16-2
Funding code
April 16, 2016
September 30, 2020
Award URL
Gepris ID
To intensify the research in the field of dynamic modeling of solids processes, in the year 2013 the DFG Priority Program SPP 1679 “Dynamic simulation of interconnected solids processes” has been started. Its main objectives are the development of new dynamic models of different apparatuses in solids processing technology, providing numerical tools for flowsheet simulation and the investigation of the dynamics of solids processes. The SPP 1679 structurally consists of 27 individual projects, which are distributed among several German universities. They are thematically divided into four main groups (Fig. 1). An important part of this project is the development of a flowsheet simulation system Dyssol (an acronym for Dynamic Simulation of SOLids processes), intended for the dynamic modeling of industrial production processes with complex structures. A novel dynamic simulation system, as the central project (Z-Project) of the priority program, should be designed to integrate models, algorithms and methods developed within the whole SPP. The system must be able to handle processes with complex structures, considering solid, liquid and gas phases as well as their arbitrary mixtures.